Poliklinika Nitrianskeho samosprávneho kraja Šaľa

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The webpage www.poliklinikansksala.sk is the offitial webpage of Policlinic of the Nitra Self-governing Region of Šaľa (Poliklinika Nitrianskeho samosprávneho kraja Šaľa) clinic. It contains information about subjects that provide healthcare and other services to the public in the clinic.


Since 06/2017 The Policlinic of the Nitra Self-governing Region of Šaľa manages the property of the Nitra Self-governing Region as a budgetary organization according to the statutory budget rules. In addition, the Nitra Self-governing Region of Šaľa, has a valid license to operate a medical first aid service for adults.


Poliklinika Nitrianskeho samosprávneho kraja Šaľa
Nemocničná 1
927 01
Tel: +421 31 77 30 320
E-mail: sekretariat@poliklinikansksala.sk
IČO: 50889516

Opening hours:

Secretariat of the director office:
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

Healthcare providers:

Opening hours are specific to the subjects. Please visit their information pages from the list on this page.

Poliklinika Nitrianskeho samosprávneho kraja Šaľa, Nemocničná 1, 927 01 Šaľa 1, Tel: 031 7730 320 Ostatné kontakty